The CWC offers various Internet Technology consulting services to individuals and businesses, as well as training in computer/Internet usage and safety. Whether you live in the USA or not, we can help you achieve your mission-critical goals. We can help you with your computer, Internet, and Web-hosting needs either by physically visiting you at your location (home or business), or via phone or email.
Internet Technology & Web-Hosting Consultancy
- Home, Home Office and Office Networking Consultancy
- Setting Up Home or Office Wired and/or Wireless Network
- Assessment of Computer Equipment and Networking Needs (including Expenditure Projection).
- Internet and Web Presence Consultancy (Web-Hosting, Web-Design)
- Assessement of Technology Investment Needs
- Training on Internet-Related Tasks and Procedures
- Consultancy on Various Office Technology Needs (IP Phone Service, Conferencing, etc.)
- Consultancy on Internet Marketing Strategies
- Data Backup and Data Security Solutions
- Server Installation and Support
Computer and Internet Usage/Training
- Training on Commonly-Used Software (Microsoft Word, Excell, Outlook, etc.)
- Software Setup and Installation
- Ordering Internet Services and Setting Up Account with Internet Service Provider (America Online, Verizon, Optimum, Time Warner, etc.)
- Training in Computer Usage (PC, Macintosh, iPad, iPhone, etc.)
- Training in Internet Usage and Safety
Estimated Visitation/Consultancy Rates:
- Individuals: $100 for first hour, $75/hour for any subsequent hour, plus a non-refundable $25 visitation and diagnostic fee where applicable (if service involves diagnosing and/or repairing a technical problem).
- Businesses (depending on size): $150-$300 for first hour, $100-$200 any subsequent hour, plus a non-refundable $75 visitation and diagnostic fee where applicable (if service involves diagnosing and/or repairing a technical problem)
- Government: $150-200 first hour. $100-150/hour subsequent hours, plus a non-refundable $75 visitation and diagnostic fee where applicable (if service involves diagnosing and/or repairing a technical problem)
- Note: Customers are responsible for refunding/paying us any parking and toll fee incurred as a result of our visitation session.
Get a quote! Contact Us, today!
What makes us the Best?
In addition to Web-Hosting and Domain Registration, we also provide:
Web-Design Services
We can design your Website, with professional passion. Learn more!
Graphics Design Services
We design brochures, logos, biz cards, folders, PowerPoints, etc. Learn more!
Translation Services
We translate software, websites, and other types of documents. Learn more!
Tech Consulting Services
We help you achieve your web & technology goals. Learn more!
Security Certificates
We sell SSL Security Certificates to help protect your data. Learn more!
Unbeatable Service
We are available to answer all your questions. Contact Us!